Saturday, May 14, 2016

Quilted Blessings

I am associated with a fabulous group of women at Christ the King Parish in Tulsa, Oklahoma:  King's Quilters and Crafters.  We make handmade gifts for the young children of the parish to hand out on the Feast of St. Nicholas in December and we make quilted gift bags for the shut ins of the parish.   But mostly, we make baby quilts and blankets.  

This year we made 94 baby quilts and blankets and over 80 baby hats to be distributed to Madonna House  and Birthright and the Neonatal ICU at St. John Medical Center.  The items were all blessed at the Mother's Day masses.  Here are some photos of what they looked like displayed in the Sanctuary.  

Many hands made light work in making the quilts and setting up the display 
Here's some detail of one I quilted, but did not piece   

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