Tuesday, May 17, 2016

AnnMade Quilting Prices 5/2016

AnnMade Quilting Prices
Effective November, 2019

Minimum Charge $35.00, regardless of size

Measuring your quilt top:  Quilting is priced per square inch based on the dimensions of your quilt top.  This is figured by multiplying the length of the quilt top by the width.  For example, a quilt measuring 80 inches by 100 inches will be 8,000 square inches. 

Price per square inch:  Base price is $.013 per square inch for a basic edge-to-edge design, usually stippling, which is stitching that meanders over the surface of the quilt. 

Using the above example, 80 inches x 100, the price for quilting would be $104.00 (8000 x .013)

--  Other edge-to-edge designs are available and price will depend on the density of the quilting and the complexity of the design. 

--  Freehand custom quilt designs are also priced per square inch, depending on the density and complexity of the design. 

--    When we meet to discuss your quilt, we will agree on a design, color of thread and a price. 

Backing fabric and batting:

--  Size:  backing and batting must be a minimum of 4” larger than your quilt top on all 4 sides.   That’s 8 inches longer (4” top and 4” bottom) and 8 inches wider (4” each side) than your quilt top.  

--  Backing fabric:  please supply backing fabric for your quilt, regular quilting cotton or flannel are appropriate fabrics.   Please do not use bed sheets.  There will be an additional charge if backing fabric must be ironed or squared up, if it must be pieced by me, or if it's not long/wide enough.   

--   Batting:   please supply batting for your quilt, I prefer Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 batting.  If you have a different type of batting, we can discuss that. 

Binding:  Quilting price does not include binding.  If you can piece a quilt top, you can bind it yourself.  It’s not that hard and it’s satisfying to put the final touch on your completed quilt.  There are many tutorials to teach you to do this. 

I can sew a prepared binding to the front of your quilt to be completed by you.  There is an additional cost for my preparation of the binding and for applying the binding.  But really, you should do it yourself!

Contact Info:  Annie Schneider  918-630-5197;  annmadeOK@gmail.com

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Quilted Blessings

I am associated with a fabulous group of women at Christ the King Parish in Tulsa, Oklahoma:  King's Quilters and Crafters.  We make handmade gifts for the young children of the parish to hand out on the Feast of St. Nicholas in December and we make quilted gift bags for the shut ins of the parish.   But mostly, we make baby quilts and blankets.  

This year we made 94 baby quilts and blankets and over 80 baby hats to be distributed to Madonna House  and Birthright and the Neonatal ICU at St. John Medical Center.  The items were all blessed at the Mother's Day masses.  Here are some photos of what they looked like displayed in the Sanctuary.  

Many hands made light work in making the quilts and setting up the display 
Here's some detail of one I quilted, but did not piece   

Who's Quilting Now?

After literally YEARS of snarling at the influx of quilting fabric overtaking the garment fabric available at the fabric stores and harrumphing (how do you spell that anyway?) about  those craft sewers, a few years ago I consented to sewing a few straight lines of quarter inch seam allowance to make some baby quilts for charity.  All the while proclaiming that I AM NOT A QUILTER, I stealthily collected a few cheerful bits of cotton fabric that might be nice accompaniments to the donated fabric used by our group, King's Quilters and Crafters at Christ the King Parish in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 

Can you guess where this is going?  

So, I rocked along making a few baby quilts a year.  I made a few aprons for gifts.  I practiced quilting by making place mats for the kitchen table.  (OK, the place mat drawer might be overflowing and there might be some cloth napkins involved).  And then, as things tend to do, somehow things sort of got out of control...

the workroom got cleaned up
shelves were rearranged and moved
the big loom was slid across the room to make space
Kelly wrote a big check
 Whaaaaaat happened?????  

Longarm quilting machine happened, that's what.  12 foot long table happened, that's what.  Her name is Gertrude, that's what.  

9 baby quilts done by me and 6 more quilted for others, that's what. 
 I guess I am a quilter after all.  
My new business is AnnMade, LLC.  I'll be quilting for fun and profit in my spare time soon.  Hopefully, you'll have me quilt for you. (annmadeOK at gmail dot com)
In the meantime, I'm upstairs in the workroom playing with thread and moving my now sizeable stash of fabric from pile to pile trying to decide how best to use it up.  Or maybe I'll just go buy more fabric, because God might stop making cotton, and then where would we crafty sewer quilters be?